Here are my top 5 Pillars of Coaching Success truly believe should be the foundation of anybody wanting to get into Coaching in any sport. I will release Pillar every week leading into 2021. So make sure you check back each week. So here we go!!!!!!
Pillar 1: EDUCATE
- Use your experience and or available resources to build a fundamental foundation of that particular sport. It is critical that they are being taught proper fundamentals to ensure growth as well has health during the development process. Every coaches goal at the early stages is to keep it fun and teach proper technique. Developing this early on is a formula future success.
- Provide development opportunities for your players. Local experienced instruction, camps or clinics available? Provide details to decision makers. Not every coach is an expert or a high level instructor. Many at this age are dads or relatives volunteering and may not be well versed in the sport. Provide growth opportunities by researching local growth opportunites.
- Yourself!!!! Like i said, many are volunteers who were forced and just wanted to help and that's fantastic, we need more folks like you. Do your homework and self educate with all the resources technology offers us these days. Videos, clinics and articles provide a lot of great content. Like this blog of course, yes of course.
Education of yourself and players is a major Pillar all coaches need to dive into headfirst. Check back next week for Pillar # 2
Chuckie Platt